Skull and Bones: Enjoying the Beta and Capturing Epic Moments

Discover what players are saying about the beta of Skull and Bones and their experiences with character customization.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is already winning over players in its beta phase, with fans taking to Reddit to share their experiences and show off their characters in this highly anticipated game. GoldenCanadian, the original poster, is clearly addicted to the photo mode, stating, ‘I can already tell Imma be addicted to taking photos in this game lol.’ Let’s dive into what the community has to say about their time in the beta!


  • The inability to pause the game to take photos has frustrated some players.
  • Customizing characters can have unexpected consequences, like giving a muscly body type a sledgehammer-like chin.
  • Players are finding each other in the game world and admiring their unique styles.
  • Some players are having difficulty sharing images of their characters on the Reddit thread.

Frustrations Without a Pause Button:

One player, sweaty_pants_, shares their frustration with the inability to pause the game and take pictures without the risk of running into obstacles: ‘So frustrating you can not pause the game to take pictures, mostly i have to rush to take a cool shot of my ship flying over the waves before I run into an island or fisherman just catching some fish.’ It seems that the lack of a photo mode pause feature is causing a fair amount of anguish among players who want to capture those perfect moments without risking disaster.

Unexpected Character Customization Consequences:

Cinerir brings up an interesting point about character customization: ‘I am kinda annoyed that selecting the muscly body gives your character a chin like a sledgehammer.’ It appears that some choices in character creation may result in unintended side effects. While players want their characters to look strong and imposing, it seems that the muscly body type comes with an extreme chin that may not be desirable for some players. Hopefully, the developers will take note of this feedback and make appropriate adjustments.

Admiring Each Other’s Unique Styles:

RogerTheWhite adds a humorous touch by commenting, ‘Pretty sure I ran into you earlier, or someone with the exact same drip lol.’ This highlights the fun aspect of coming across other players in the game world who have chosen similar character styles or outfits. It’s always a joy to see the diversity and unique choices players make when customizing their characters in games, and Skull and Bones seems to be no exception.

Troublesome Image Sharing:

Posting images directly as replies on Reddit can be a challenge, as cccarv82 points out: ‘I cannot post image as reply 🙁 will create a new post then :D.’ It seems that sharing images of their characters within the comments section is proving to be difficult for some players. This limitation might hinder the flow of image sharing and community engagement that typically thrives on Reddit threads.

All in all, the beta phase of Skull and Bones has captured the attention of players, with many getting hooked on the game’s photo mode. While frustrations about the lack of a pause button for photos and unexpected character customization consequences have been voiced, the community still enjoys the unique character styles they encounter while traversing the game world. Although there are some challenges with image sharing, players are finding alternative ways to share their personalized experiences with other gamers. Skull and Bones is shaping up to be a game that not only provides exhilarating naval combat but also encourages creativity and camaraderie among its players.