Skull and Bones: Exploring the Brigantine Flood Build in the Game Community

Dive into the debate on flood builds in Skull and Bones and see what the community has to say!

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones players are discussing the effectiveness of flood builds in a recent Reddit post. Brigantine flood build is the hot topic, but opinions are divided among players.


  • Players have varying opinions on the viability of flood builds in Skull and Bones.
  • The debate revolves around the effectiveness of flood builds in different gameplay scenarios.
  • Some players find flood builds fun and effective, while others express disappointment with their performance.

ShadowHeart_Gaming’s Perspective

One player, ShadowHeart_Gaming, finds the flood build enjoyable and versatile. They suggest that the effectiveness of the build depends on whether players focus on PVE or PVP encounters. Regardless, they encourage players to enjoy the game as they see fit.

The_Porterback’s Question

The_Porterback raises an interesting question about the player’s preferred approach to using flooding in combat. Are they more inclined towards ramming tactics or utilizing flood-inducing weapons strategically?

Conandrewoo’s Disillusionment

Conandrewoo shares a different viewpoint, highlighting the fleeting trend of flood builds in the community. Despite initial excitement, they discovered that traditional setups outperformed flood-centric configurations. Conandrewoo now opts for a more conventional loadout with Skurlock and green weaponry, emphasizing a strategic long-range combat style.

In the midst of these diverse perspectives, the Skull and Bones player base showcases the dynamic nature of gaming communities, where strategies evolve and trends come and go. The debate surrounding flood builds reflects the community’s investment in exploring and optimizing gameplay experiences. As players navigate the seas of Skull and Bones, they continue to experiment and redefine what it means to achieve victory on the virtual waters.