Skull and Bones: Exploring the Crew Mechanics and Missing Personalities

In the popular subreddit for Skull and Bones, users discuss the crew mechanics and their thoughts on missing personalities in the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is a pirate game that has captivated many players with its immersive world and thrilling naval combat. However, one aspect of the game that has sparked a lively debate among fans is the crew mechanics. A Reddit post by user ‘somethin_inoffensive’ has opened up the discussion on how the crew system in the game feels lacking.


  • Players express mixed feelings about the crew mechanics in Skull and Bones.
  • Some appreciate the lack of micro-management, finding it more enjoyable.
  • Others wish for more customization and individual attributes for the crew members.
  • Users also discuss the disappearance of certain crew members, which disrupts immersion.

Crew Mechanics: Pros and Cons

User ‘somethin_inoffensive’ points out that the crew mechanics in Skull and Bones feel lazy and lacking depth. They question where all the crew members come from and why there is no recruitment or conspiracy against the captain. They express a desire for more management and meaningful interactions with the crew.

However, most of the commenters on the post disagree with this sentiment. User ‘Mem0ryEat3r’ states that they are glad they don’t have to micro-manage the crew, as it would become tedious and take away from the overall fun of the game. They argue that the crew’s seamless operation of the ship’s cannons adds to the immersion and enjoyment of the naval combat.

On the other hand, ‘ProfessionalOwl4369′ suggests that while they appreciate the simplicity of the crew mechanics, they would like to see more customization options in the future. They propose the idea of crew stats, where players can tailor their crew members’ abilities based on personal preferences, such as sacrificing accuracy for faster reload times.

Missing Personalities

In addition to discussing the crew mechanics, another user, ‘Kylkek’, brings up the issue of missing personalities among the crew members. They highlight the sudden disappearance of a character who has dialogue and personality, only to be replaced by an unrelated, generic crew member. This inconsistency disrupts the immersion and storytelling within the game.

Overall, the Reddit post and its subsequent comments shed light on the mixed sentiments among players regarding the crew mechanics in Skull and Bones. While some appreciate the lack of micro-management, finding it more enjoyable and seamless, others wish for more customization and individual attributes for the crew members. Additionally, the disappearance of certain crew members with personalities is seen as a flaw that detracts from the immersive experience. It will be interesting to see if the developers take these concerns into account and make any changes to enhance the crew mechanics in future updates.