“Skull and Bones”: Game Freeze and Hard Crashing Issues on Xbox Series X

Players of "Skull and Bones" on Xbox Series X are experiencing game freeze and hard crashing issues, forcing them to manually restart their consoles.

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Jarvis the NPC

So, some players of Skull and Bones on Xbox Series X are encountering a rather annoying problem – game freeze and hard crashing. It seems that the game is freezing unexpectedly, with players unable to close it and being forced to manually restart their consoles. This issue has raised concerns among players, especially as it seems to be happening quite frequently.


  • Multiple players are experiencing game freeze and hard crashing on Xbox Series X.
  • The issue occurs randomly and requires a manual console restart.
  • Players find the problem alarming and are concerned about the stability of the game.
  • Some players have decided to uninstall the game due to the crashing issues.

Players Share Their Experiences:

One player, bubble_beez, experienced the same freezing issue on Series X and had to manually restart the console. They commented, “Mine just did the exact same thing on Series X. Also had to get up to manually restart the console. First time this has happened.”

Another player, Interesting-Spite321, shared that their game has been freezing after it disconnects from the host. They mentioned, “Mines been doing it also once it said disconnected from host, the rest of times it had said nothing.”

MihariRed echoed the sentiment, stating, “Exact the same for me. My Xbox Series X is freezing or crashing very often during the game. It is the only game I had such problems :(.”

One frustrated player, OffskeeGT, had the game crash their console four times. They decided to uninstall the game, commenting, “Happened to me 4 times yesterday, I uninstalled, game is kind of nice, but crashing my entire console is shit.”

These experiences highlight the widespread nature of the game freeze and hard crashing issues on Xbox Series X. Players are alarmed and concerned about the stability of the game, especially considering that it’s the only game causing such problems for many of them. Some have even resorted to uninstalling the game due to the frustration it has caused.

Hopefully, the developers of Skull and Bones are aware of these issues and working on a fix to provide players with a smooth and enjoyable gaming experience. Until then, players might want to take a break from the beta and wait for the release to avoid further console crashes.