Skull and Bones Game: Reddit Users Discuss Fleet Management Options

Discover what Skull and Bones players really think about the current fleet management system in the game!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you tired of the hassle of changing ships and moving all your equipment around in Skull and Bones? Reddit users are sharing their frustrations and suggestions regarding fleet management options. Let’s dive into the conversation!


  • Players express frustration with the current fleet management system, calling for a more convenient and user-friendly solution.
  • There is a consensus among users that a dedicated fleet management tab would greatly enhance the gaming experience.
  • Some players highlight the lack of visibility into ship loadouts and earnings as a significant drawback.

Update on Fleet Management

Many players agree that a fleet management overhaul is long overdue. The current system’s inefficiency makes the gameplay experience tedious and cumbersome. A user named ‘swiffswaffplop’ emphasizes the need for a dedicated tab to manage ships efficiently. They yearn for features like loadout management and income tracking to be readily accessible without the need for repetitive ship switching.

Managing Ship Loadouts

‘Conandrewoo’ points out the inconvenience of equipping ships individually and suggests a solution where players can assemble and manage their fleet in a centralized location. The user emphasizes the importance of distinguishing ships by loadouts and names to streamline the organization process and prevent confusion during gameplay.

Dev Responses and Expectations

‘ThriceWelcome’ raises a query regarding leaving cannonballs and ammo on fleet ships, adding another layer to the ongoing discussion on inventory management. Additionally, ‘Interesting_Pirate39’ shares insights from the developers regarding an upcoming fleet management system update, offering hope to players awaiting a smoother experience. The prospect of unassigning ships directly from the ship management screen signifies positive progress in addressing user concerns.

Players continue to express their desires for enhanced fleet management features, drawing parallels to past games like Black Flag. Suggestions range from ship repair options to a streamlined ship capture process, showcasing the community’s creativity in envisioning improvements for Skull and Bones.