Skull and Bones Game: The Purple Maps Dilemma

Find out why Skull and Bones players are on the hunt for purple maps and the elusive Dardanelles Gun in season 2!

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones players are embarking on a quest for the elusive Dardanelles Gun and purple maps in season 2. Where can they find these coveted items?


  • Players struggle to find Dardanelles Gun from purple maps and rely on specific chests for it.
  • Purple maps often yield common items, causing frustration among players.
  • Legacy chests and cargo hunts are seen as reliable sources for sought-after items.

The Quest for Purple Maps

Players express disappointment over the rarity of obtaining Dardanelles Gun from purple maps, leading them to explore other options like legacy chests and cargo hunts for better chances.

The Frustration of Common Finds

Some players vent their frustration at receiving only common items from legendary maps, highlighting the need for a more balanced loot distribution in the game.

Legacy Chests and Cargo Hunts

While some players prefer legacy chests for immediate rewards, others opt for cargo hunts as a more accessible and cost-effective method of acquiring desired items.

Skull and Bones players are navigating a complex landscape of treasure hunting, weighing the odds of finding rare items through different avenues. The allure of the Dardanelles Gun and the mystery of purple maps continue to intrigue players, driving them to strategize and share their experiences within the game community.