Skull and Bones: Has the Game Gotten Any Better Since Betta?

Exploring the current state of Skull and Bones post open betta: player sentiments, PvP engagement, and game improvements.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones players are questioning if the game has improved since the betta phase and seeking clarity on PvP engagements and overall game enhancements. Many players are divided on the current state of the game, particularly regarding the lack of open-world PvP.


  • Players find the lack of open-world PvP disappointing.
  • The game has seen some improvements, but player base concerns persist.
  • PvP events are criticized for being time-based and unengaging.

Player Sentiments on PvP Engagement

Players like piratekitty10 enjoy Skull and Bones post-launch, participating in seasonal content but note the limitations around PvP requiring flags and specific scenarios. Community feedback indicates mixed feelings about gearing towards PvP encounters.

Game Improvements and Longevity

Some players, such as Dapperdanfan, have found limited success with open world PvP encounters, highlighting a lack of consistent engagement and the need for more varied PvP content to sustain long-term interest. Despite incremental improvements, there are concerns about player retention.

Community Feedback and Criticisms

KS-RawDog69 echoes sentiments about underwhelming PvP events and the game’s inability to establish a substantial player base. The lack of engaging PvP mechanics and player interactions seem to hinder the game’s potential for growth.

Overall, Skull and Bones continues to face challenges in striking a balance between PvP engagement and player retention. While some improvements have been made since the betta phase, the game still grapples with addressing core player concerns surrounding PvP dynamics and long-term sustainability.