Skull and Bones: Helm Leases and Community Dilemmas

Exploring the community discussions on trading unused helm leases in Skull and Bones game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones community is abuzz with players seeking solutions for their unused helm leases. The community is divided on whether to keep or get rid of them.


  • Players grapple with the dilemma of what to do with unused helm leases.
  • Some advise holding onto them for future seasons.
  • Trading or selling helm leases is not currently supported by the game.

Community Sentiment

There are mixed feelings within the community regarding the excess helm leases in Skull and Bones. Some players emphasize the importance of holding onto them for potential future uses, while others express frustration at the lack of options to trade or sell these items.

Seasonal Concerns

Users like Xazur604 highlight that helm leases may carry over into subsequent seasons, suggesting that keeping them could prove beneficial in the long run. On the other hand, voices like Interesting_Pirate39 caution against discarding them prematurely, hinting at possible changes in the game’s mechanics.

Trading Dilemma

The absence of a formal trading system for helm leases has left many players puzzled about the best course of action. While some propose the idea of a player-to-player exchange feature, others resign to the fact that these items may have limited utility within the current game framework.

The ongoing discussions surrounding helm leases illuminate the intricate dynamics of player economies and inventory management in Skull and Bones. As the community navigates these intricate decisions, one thing remains clear—each player’s journey in the game is as unique as the treasures they seek on the high seas.