Skull and Bones: Hidden Factions and Future Possibilities

Delve into the digital artbook of Skull and Bones and uncover the existence of two factions that were left out of the final game. Will they make an appearance in future updates?

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones, the highly anticipated pirate-themed action-adventure game, has captivated fans with its immersive gameplay and stunning visuals. However, a recent discovery in the game’s digital artbook has left players intrigued. Reddit user ‘losteran’ stumbled upon two factions, the Khamot kingdom and the British Trading Alliance, that are not included in the final version of the game. While the player has a brief encounter with the British during the prologue, these factions remain largely absent from the gameplay.


  • Two factions, the Khamot kingdom and British Trading Alliance, were discovered in the digital artbook of Skull and Bones but are not present in the final game.
  • Speculations suggest that these factions may be added in future updates or as part of downloadable content (DLC).
  • Players are excited about the possibility of new content, including new ships, quests, and areas to explore.

Hidden Factions Hint at Future Content

Skull and Bones takes players on a thrilling pirate adventure, allowing them to navigate the treacherous waters of the Indian Ocean and engage in epic naval battles. However, the absence of the Khamot kingdom and the British Trading Alliance has raised questions about potential future content. Redditors have formed various theories to explain the inclusion of these factions in the artbook.

One user, ‘Brittish_Rogue,’ humorously expressed their excitement about the possibility of playing as a British Admiral, dressed in traditional redcoats and commanding a mighty frigate. They even jokingly mentioned the need for crates of tea with a stamina boost, perhaps as an inside joke about British stereotypes.

Another user, ‘Archon_Boraes,’ speculated that the factions might appear in future updates as playable content or new locations for players to explore. They drew attention to a fort under construction on a south island, hypothesizing that it could serve as a stronghold for one of these factions.

Discovering the shipwrecks linked to the British Trading Alliance, user ‘KatScratchFvr’ realized the connection and shared their observation. This revelation further supports the assumption that these hidden factions were originally intended to have a more prominent presence in the game.

Excitement Builds for Future Updates

The discovery of the Khamot kingdom and the British Trading Alliance has sparked excitement among the Skull and Bones community. Gamers eagerly anticipate the release of updates that will potentially introduce these factions into the game.

If these hidden factions are indeed included in future updates, players can look forward to a range of new content. This could include new ships specific to each faction, unique quests, and additional areas to explore within the vast open world of Skull and Bones.

As with any speculation, it is important to note that until Ubisoft makes an official announcement about the inclusion of these factions, nothing is set in stone. However, the discovery of their existence in the artbook has ignited a sense of curiosity and excitement within the community.

Whether it’s battling alongside the formidable British Trading Alliance or unraveling the mysteries of the enigmatic Khamot kingdom, the potential addition of these factions promises to enhance the already immersive pirate experience provided by Skull and Bones.

Stay tuned for further updates and announcements from Ubisoft, as the future of Skull and Bones looks to be filled with exciting new adventures on the open sea.