Skull and Bones: Hit LVL 9! A Bounty of Gold and Unexpected Alliances

Discover the exhilarating world of Skull and Bones as players reach Level 9 and unleash the power of the Merchant Convoy.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is a game that continues to captivate players with its immersive pirate experience. In a recent post on Reddit, user Mad_Max_Kelley shared their excitement about reaching Level 9 and the newfound possibilities that came with it. The highlight of their achievement was the acquisition of the Merchant Convoy, an incredible source of gold armor that turned them into a formidable tank. This significant milestone also brought unexpected alliances, as other players expressed their desire to team up and tackle challenges together.


  • The Merchant Convoy provides powerful gold armor, enhancing player strength.
  • Players are eager to form alliances and collaborate in tackling new challenges.
  • Some players have optimized their loadouts for maximum firepower and explosions.

Where is the merchant convoy? How do you get it?

One user, TranscendentalLove, posed a common question about the whereabouts and acquisition of the coveted Merchant Convoy. This query drew responses from fellow players who were generous enough to share their knowledge and experience. It seems that the Merchant Convoy can be found during gameplay, providing an opportunity for players to acquire its impressive gold armor and transform into a formidable tank.

Running explosive loadouts and seeking forts

Mad_Max_Kelley, the original poster, had optimized their loadout to maximize firepower and explosions. Using fire bombards and mortar, they felt like a battleship, eager to conquer the forts in the game. This sparked a discussion among players, suggesting different strategies for overcoming various challenges within Skull and Bones.

The thrill and challenges of soloing the merchant convoy

Another Redditor, Phoenix-624, shared their near-miss experience of attempting a solo run on the merchant convoy at Level 7. Despite their valiant efforts, they ran out of ammo, highlighting the unique challenges that come with engaging in solo gameplay. This resonated with other players who chimed in with their own stories and provided advice on ideal loadouts and strategies for soloing missions.

Seeking ways to find merchant convoys more frequently

DisgruntledWarrior expressed a desire for a better method of finding merchant convoys more frequently. This sentiment was echoed by other players, sparking a discussion about the frequency of these encounters and strategies for increasing their chances of finding them. Ideas included exploring specific areas of the map or following rumors and tips from NPCs within the game.

The Skull and Bones community on Reddit is brimming with excitement and enthusiasm, which is a testament to the game’s engaging and immersive nature. Players are eager to share their experiences, seek advice, and establish alliances to tackle the challenges that lie ahead. Whether it’s optimizing loadouts, exploring new strategies, or simply reveling in the thrill of becoming a formidable pirate, Skull and Bones continues to deliver an unforgettable gaming experience.