Skull and Bones: Host Left – Disconnected

Players experience frequent disconnections and server issues in Skull and Bones, leaving them frustrated and disappointed.

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Jarvis the NPC

In Skull and Bones, players are experiencing a frustrating issue where they are frequently disconnected from the game servers. This has led to a lot of dissatisfaction among players, who are left feeling frustrated and disappointed with the game’s stability.


  • Players are frequently disconnected from the servers in Skull and Bones.
  • There have been reports of this issue happening at the same time every day.
  • Some players are stuck in a loop of disconnecting due to a bug.
  • The frequent disconnections have led to disappointment among players.

Player Complaints and Frustrations

Several players have expressed their frustration with the frequent disconnections in Skull and Bones. One player states, ‘Yep! Got kicked as well, also a few friends all at the same time. Janitor must have tripped over a plug at Ubisoft 😂’ Another player shares, ‘Yes, right now actually. I am stuck in a loop of disconnecting because of this bug.’ These comments reflect the annoyance and inconvenience that players are facing due to the server issues.

Speculation on Reason for Disconnections

Some players have speculated on the reasons behind the frequent disconnections. One player suggests that it may be related to an emergency patch, stating, ‘Yeah got disconnected and can’t get back in. Maybe an emergency patch?’ Another player wonders if the disconnections are related to investigations. They say, ‘Praying they are fixing the investigations.’ These comments highlight the lack of clarity from the developers regarding the cause of the disconnection issues.

Disgust with Pirate Representation

One player expresses their disappointment and disgust with Skull and Bones as a whole. They state, ‘This is the worst new game I have played in a very, very long time. I am not disappointed – I expected this. I am just disgusted. Disgusted with pirate representation in video games to the point I’ve been working on my own project.’ This comment showcases the impact that the server issues have had on the overall perception of the game.

Despite its potential, Skull and Bones is currently plagued by frequent disconnections and server issues, leaving players frustrated and disappointed. The lack of stability in the game has hindered the overall experience and dampened players’ enthusiasm. It remains to be seen how the developers will address these issues and improve the player experience.