Skull and Bones: How Long Before People Complain About Lack of Content?

Will players be satisfied with the content in Skull and Bones, or will complaints arise about its lack thereof?

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Skull and Bones, content is king. Players are already speculating how long it will take before complaints about a lack of content begin to surface. With the release of this highly anticipated game just around the corner, gamers are eager to see if it will meet their expectations.


  • Delivering quests and grinding for pieces of eight are the main activities, leading to concerns about repetitive gameplay and limited progression.
  • Some players express hope for additional content in the future, based on the developer’s roadmap.
  • A few players argue against the need for endless content, emphasizing the importance of community-building and role-playing aspects of the game.

Complaints Arise

Already, gamers have started to express their frustrations regarding the lack of content in Skull and Bones. One user, Basic-Satisfaction62, highlights the narrow scope of activities in the game. The grind for delivery quests, limited ship size progression, and the lack of variety in capturing settlements leave players craving more.

Another user, Environmental_Park_6, points out that complaints have already begun. The anticipation for the game’s release has led to high expectations, making any shortcomings more noticeable. The disappointment lies in the fact that players quickly exhaust available content, leaving them with a sense of emptiness.

Major concerns center around the repetitive nature of the gameplay. Mavor516 counters this by mentioning that the Helm system expansion, territory setups, and purchasing buffs could add depth to the experience. They also highlight the misconception that pieces of eight are solely for cosmetics, emphasizing the availability of gear as well.

Not All Complaints

While some players express dissatisfaction, others find enjoyment in the current content offering. psiHawk-ttv, for example, believes that gamers should lighten up and focus on having fun, rather than rushing through the game. They believe that Skull and Bones holds tremendous potential for building a strong community and engaging in endless role-playing opportunities.

Some_lost_cute_dude echoes this sentiment, noting that as a full-time worker with other commitments, they find the current content sufficient. They express confidence that Ubisoft will continue to expand the game, potentially introducing new regions like India, China, and Japan in the future.

Bigger Ships on the Horizon?

One user, Other_Cut_1730, disputes the concern about limited ship size progression. They point to a promotional video indicating the existence of larger ships beyond the medium ones available at launch. This raises hopes that future updates and seasons will introduce more substantial vessels, alleviating concerns about the lack of progression.

Ultimately, whether gamers express frustration or satisfaction with Skull and Bones’ content, it is clear that the expectations for this game are high. Ubisoft’s roadmap and commitment to expanding live-service games offer hope for future updates and diverse experiences. Whether the game’s content lives up to these expectations remains to be seen.