Skull and Bones: How to Counter Bombards in the Game

Learn the best strategies to counter bombards in Skull and Bones for a competitive edge.

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you tired of getting bombarded in Skull and Bones? INKCOGNITO97 shared their experience going up against bombards in a Sambuk and is seeking advice on how to counter this relentless attack.


  • Having higher DPS is crucial in countering bombards.
  • Utilize fire resist and explosive resist for better defense.
  • Focus on speed, being a small target, and fire resistance to outmaneuver the bombard attacks.

Strategies to Counter Bombards

One user, Nomak601, suggests having more DPS than your opponent as a key strategy. In a battle of attrition, having superior damage output can tilt the fight in your favor. However, focusing solely on DPS might leave you vulnerable to enemy tactics.

Another user, FaithlessnessSalt543, recommends investing in fire resistance and explosive resist to withstand bombard attacks. Additionally, they mention utilizing a water tank strategy to absorb hits with minimal stamina loss. This defensive approach can help you survive the onslaught and retaliate effectively.

Speed, Maneuverability, and Defense

magsical_ emphasizes the importance of speed, being a small target, and having fire resistance when dealing with bombards. By staying agile and difficult to hit, you can evade incoming rounds and maintain your offensive capabilities. Fire resistance acts as a crucial shield against the destructive power of bombards, allowing you to stay in the fight for longer.

Adapting your playstyle to incorporate these strategies can give you a competitive edge against bombard-heavy opponents. Whether it’s enhancing your ship’s attributes or refining your combat tactics, being prepared to face this formidable challenge is key to victory in Skull and Bones.