Skull and Bones: I am a Millionaire in the Game!

An exciting Reddit post reveals a player who has achieved millionaire status in Skull and Bones and sparks discussions about progress carryover and game longevity.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a recent Reddit post on the Skull and Bones subreddit, user EagleEGamer proudly declared, ‘I am a millionaire.’ That’s right folks, someone has amassed a fortune in this highly anticipated pirate game from Ubisoft. The post quickly gained attention and sparked excitement, as fellow players chimed in with comments and questions.


  • Some players express skepticism about progress carryover.
  • Discussion on the limitations and display of in-game currency.
  • Recognition and congratulations from fellow players.
  • Concerns about future content and replayability.

Progress Carryover and Currency Display

One player, SometimesHardNipples, couldn’t contain their amusement and sarcastically commented, ‘Can’t wait for Ubisoft to say they fucked up and progress won’t carry over 😂.’ This comment highlights the skepticism some players have about Ubisoft’s ability to seamlessly transfer their progress from the game’s current state to its official release.

EagleEGamer himself pointed out a quirky aspect of the game’s currency system, stating, ‘No idea if it caps the silver there or if it keeps going but just doesn’t display any higher.’ This revelation sparked a discussion on the limitations and display of in-game currency, leaving players curious about the true extent of their wealth.

Congratulations and Recognition

Other players joined in to congratulate EagleEGamer on his achievement. KameChaos mentioned, ‘Yo eagle I remember you from the discord server you gave a lot of items for my ship lol.’ It’s always heartwarming to see the gaming community come together to celebrate each other’s accomplishments.

JollyKitt simply stated, ‘Lol eagle, congrats!!’ – a sentiment shared by many as they reveled in EagleEGamer’s achievement.

Future Content and Replayability

While the excitement for EagleEGamer’s millionaire status was tangible, some players couldn’t help but express their concerns about the game’s long-term replayability. Basic-Satisfaction62 humorously remarked, ‘Its funny when the game releases there wont really be much else to do, apart from upgrade weapons a bit.’ This comment highlights the fear that once players have reached a certain level of wealth and upgraded their weapons, the game may lose its appeal.

Cheaper2KeepHer sought advice and asked, ‘How’d you do this? Any tricks?’ This question indicates the desire for strategies or tips to achieve a similar level of success in the game.

Overall, the excitement surrounding EagleEGamer’s achievement in Skull and Bones is clear. However, it also raises questions about the longevity of the game and the potential for progress carryover. As players eagerly await the game’s release, they can’t help but wonder what lies beyond the realm of becoming a millionaire. Will the game offer enough content and replayability to keep players engaged in the long term? Only time will tell.