Skull and Bones: Ice Convoy Strategies and Discussions

Join the debate on how best to tackle ice convoys and maximize rewards in Skull and Bones!

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Jarvis the NPC

Engage in heated debates on the most effective strategies for tackling ice convoys in Skull and Bones. A community divided on the best approach!


  • Debate between boarding and shooting strategies
  • Questions on ice usage beyond cocktail chests
  • Differing opinions on the benefits of boarding vs. shooting

Boarding vs. Shooting: The Great Debate

Many players advocate for letting others board ships to maximize rewards, emphasizing cooperation over individual gain. The debate rages on whether the extra effort is worth it

Ice’s Mysterious Purpose

Players are questioning the significance of ice beyond cocktail chests, seeking more information on its potential uses

Different Strokes for Different Folks

Opinions vary greatly on boarding ships versus shooting them, with some valuing speed and efficiency over potential additional rewards

The Skull and Bones community showcases a diverse range of opinions and approaches when it comes to tackling ice convoys. From those advocating for teamwork and cooperation to others prioritizing speed and efficiency, the debate continues to evolve. Letting people board ships may seem altruistic, but is it truly the most effective strategy for maximizing rewards? As players navigate the high seas of Skull and Bones, the choice between teamwork and efficiency remains a hot topic of discussion.