Skull and Bones: Ice Missions and Summer Spoils – A Reddit Discussion

Exploring the quest for ice in Skull and Bones game. What can players grind for other than missions?

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Skull and Bones, the quest for ice seems to be a hot topic among players. Let’s dive into the discussions on Reddit about finding ice in the game.


  • Players are eager to find ways to obtain ice in the game beyond just missions.
  • Some speculate on upcoming events like the Summer Fiesta for ice farming opportunities.
  • Others share tips on acquiring ice from convoys and potential locations.

Player Speculations on Ice

In response to the original post, users discussed various methods for obtaining ice in Skull and Bones. Some mentioned specific quests and events that could provide ice resources. One user, Yellow_Flash_v4, pointed out a quest called “Summer Spoils” that involves plundering a fort to obtain ice. This quest seems to be a promising avenue for players seeking ice beyond routine missions.

Finding Ice in Game World

Players like AroostookGrizz shared insights on potential sources of ice within the game world. Speculating that the Summer Fiesta event may offer opportunities for ice farming, users are keen on exploring new regions and activities to secure this valuable resource. Additionally, insights from Stormfirebird indicated that ice might be obtainable from special DMC world event convoys, adding more excitement to the search for ice.

Player Experiences with Ice

Some players, like Satsloader, shared their gameplay experiences regarding obtaining ice. By participating in convoys and strategically engaging with ships, players can amass a significant amount of ice within a short time frame. The ease of acquiring ice through gameplay mechanics adds a dynamic element to the quest for this valuable resource.