Skull and Bones: Is It Ever Enough?

Are you satisfied with sinking hours into a game, or do you always crave more? Let's dive into the Reddit post and find out.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is a game that seems to leave players divided when it comes to satisfaction. In a recent Reddit post titled ‘It’ll never be enough,’ user Ragnarsdaddy expresses their frustration with gamers who rush through missions and games, completing everything in record time and then claiming it wasn’t enough. They argue that no matter how much content a game offers, some players will always want more, never fully satisfied. But is this sentiment shared by the community? Let’s take a closer look at the comments.


  • Some players find great value in sinking hours into a game and believe it offers excellent entertainment return on investment.
  • Others take a slower approach, enjoying the journey and savoring every moment rather than rushing to the end.
  • There’s a group of players nicknamed ‘The Sweaties’ who blaze through content and then express dissatisfaction, despite completing everything.
  • Opinions on content vary, with some players feeling like there’s not enough to do and others finding it to be an enjoyable time-waster.

The Rushers vs. The Slowpokes:

One commenter, flem216, admits to taking games ridiculously slow. They haven’t even reached the endgame in Skull and Bones and are still thoroughly enjoying the experience. They take the time to explore, help others, and have a blast, finding value in every moment of gameplay.

On the other hand, there are players like Random_Particle who refer to those rushing through content as ‘The Sweaties.’ They observe that this group shreds through game content like greyhounds chasing a mechanical hare, only to then complain about the lack of things to do. It’s an interesting viewpoint and highlights the contrasting approaches to gaming.

Is There Enough Content?

The debate about the amount of content in Skull and Bones is also apparent in the comments. One user, rearadmiralslow, feels that the game’s beta showed everything worth seeing, and the release will add minimal dialogue and a few extra ships. For them, the content seems lacking.

However, Eros_Skye is blown away by the game and expresses their admiration for the passionate community on the subreddit. This shows that there are players who are immensely satisfied with the game and see it in a positive light.

A Love-Hate Relationship:

Mr7three2 views Skull and Bones as a nice time waster. They log on, sail around, terrorize AI ships, and complete missions. While they see value in the game, it’s clear that they don’t consider it a deeply immersive experience.

The-Booty-Train raises an interesting point about gamers’ constant push and pull. They note that players complain about grinding in some games and then complain about the lack of content in others. It seems to be an endless cycle of dissatisfaction and craving, creating a love-hate relationship with gaming.

Final Words:

Skull and Bones appears to be a game that elicits strong opinions from its player base. While some find immense value in sinking hours into the game and enjoying the journey, others feel that the content is insufficient or fail to find deep satisfaction within the experience. Ultimately, it seems like a matter of personal preference and playstyle.