Skull and Bones: Is It Really Not Bad?

Is Skull and Bones as good as some Redditors claim? Let's dive into the discussion and find out!

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is Ubisoft’s latest pirate-themed video game, and it has sparked quite the debate among gamers. In a recent Reddit post titled ‘Not bad ubi. Not bad at all.,’ user Thatsso70s shares their thoughts on the game. The post has garnered a lot of attention, with users expressing both positive and negative sentiments about Skull and Bones.


  • Some users find Skull and Bones visually appealing, despite certain graphical shortcomings.
  • Others criticize the game’s price point and the concept of a ‘Quadruple A’ game.
  • A number of players have experienced glitches and broken quests, which detracts from the overall experience.

Positive Impressions

User ‘–clapped–‘ defends Skull and Bones, stating that while some elements, such as the trees, may not look impressive, the game as a whole is far from ugly. They don’t understand the negative comments and believe there is more to appreciate.

Mixed Feelings About the Price

‘Potential_Ad_6921’ shares a different perspective, acknowledging that Skull and Bones looks visually appealing but considers the game to be ‘fucking stupid’ given its $70 price tag. They also express skepticism about the concept of a ‘Quadruple A’ game, implying that it may be a marketing gimmick.

Technical Issues Weighing It Down

‘wickedball’ voices disappointment with Skull and Bones, stating that it is not great and is plagued with glitches. They mention encountering a broken main quest that prevents them from progressing, comparing negatively to the superior experience of Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, released over a decade ago.

The Reddit post and subsequent comments paint a mixed picture of Skull and Bones. Some users find visual aspects appealing, despite admitted shortcomings, while others raise concerns about the game’s pricing and technical issues. It’s clear that Ubisoft’s latest release is generating strong opinions within the gaming community.