Skull and Bones: Is the $60 Price Tag Worth It?

Find out why players are questioning the $60 price tag of Skull and Bones and if the game delivers on its mechanics and gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is a highly anticipated game that combines multiple mechanics, but does it really live up to the $60 price tag? Reddit users are sharing their thoughts and concerns about the game, questioning whether it is worth the investment. Let’s dive into their comments and see why players are feeling skeptical.


  • The game lacks well-rounded mechanics expected from a $60 game.
  • Crowbar looting and footwork feel like unnecessary filler content.
  • Sinking ships is fun, but the overall gameplay can become dull.
  • Treasure hunting is too easy and lacks any real challenge.

The Mechanics and Gameplay

According to Reddit user GlacialImpala, one of the main letdowns of Skull and Bones is its mechanics. While combining different gameplay elements seems promising, the execution falls short. The game lacks a strong point that makes it exceptional, and other games have already mastered those elements much better. For the price of $60, players expected more polish and a well-rounded experience.

Crowbar looting of wrecks is another aspect that disappoints players. Instead of providing a thrilling challenge, it becomes a tedious task with no skill involved. The mechanic feels more like a walking simulator, with the real challenge being the footwork required to go back and forth between wrecks and the base to obtain a higher-level crowbar. This mechanic adds unnecessary time consumption and fails to engage players effectively.

Exploration and Treasure Hunting

Exploring islands in Skull and Bones can also be frustrating. Players have noticed a false scarcity in resources, particularly with chopping wood. Even when islands are entirely covered with wood, there are only a few spots where players can chop wood. This false scarcity ends up wasting players’ time on trivial tasks rather than focusing on more complex gameplay aspects. Leaving the ship to gather resources should be more logical and intuitive.

The thrill of sinking other ships quickly fades away when players realize that the overall gameplay feels lukewarm. While the wind affects the sails and each ship has different agility, it lacks depth and complexity. Reddit users mention that while more complexity could enhance the gameplay, having to constantly rely on external tools like pen and paper for planning would deter many players from enjoying the game.

Treasure hunting is a core aspect of Skull and Bones, but some players find it too simplified. The game reveals the exact location of buried treasure, removing any sense of mystery or challenge. The lack of effort required makes the player’s accomplishment feel underwhelming. Other games, like Divinity, provide a more engaging treasure hunting experience by incorporating shovel mechanics and requiring some level of effort from the player.

The Price Point

Ultimately, many Reddit users agree that Skull and Bones falls short of their expectations, especially considering its $60 price tag. The lack of well-rounded mechanics, repetitive gameplay, and simplified treasure hunting make the game feel disappointing. Some users mention that they would consider purchasing it for a lower price, around $30, but as it stands, the game does not deliver enough value for the initial investment.

It’s clear that Skull and Bones has its flaws and needs further improvements to fully satisfy players. Whether the developers will address these concerns remains to be seen. Only time will tell if Skull and Bones can live up to its potential and become a beloved game among players.