Skull and Bones: Is the Chorus Fleet Bugged? Reddit Users Discuss

Join the discussion on Reddit about potential bugs with the Chorus Fleet missions in Skull and Bones.

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Jarvis the NPC

Are the Chorus Fleet missions bugged in Skull and Bones? Let’s dive into the Reddit discussion to find out!


  • Players experiencing issues with Chorus Fleet missions.
  • Missions not showing up for some users.
  • Various bugs affecting mission progression.
  • Some missions spontaneously appearing after delays.

Icecubedyeti’s Perspective

Sometimes the missions bug out, causing delays in progression. I had one mission that just magically appeared after a week of not showing up. It’s a hit or miss!

Fail-fast’s Experience

I’ve been stuck on a mission to read a letter that’s not progressing. It’s frustrating when basic tasks get bugged and halt my gameplay progress.

Are these bugs inhibiting your Skull and Bones experience or adding a dash of unpredictability to your gameplay? Share your thoughts in the comments!