Skull and Bones: Is the Cost of Entry too High?

Will the high cost and lackluster gameplay of Skull and Bones deter players from buying it? Find out in this blog post.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is a highly anticipated pirate game that has been generating buzz in the gaming community. However, not everyone is convinced that the game is worth the cost. In a recent Reddit post titled ‘The Cost Of Entry Will Kill This Game,’ user ‘Accomplished-Month85’ expresses their concerns about the game and questions whether it will gain traction.


  • The high price point and inclusion of a cash shop are deterring potential players.
  • The graphics, quests, and world design are considered average or below average.
  • Some players find the combat, cosmetic grind, and social aspects enjoyable.
  • Others believe the game falls short in comparison to similar titles like Sea of Thieves and Assassin’s Creed Black Flag.

Is the Cost Justified?

User ‘TelfoBrand’ agrees with the concerns, noting that the game’s price tag of $90 AUD (approximately $69 USD) seems steep for what it offers. They are willing to wait for improvements and a potential price drop. On the other hand, user ‘PhillyPhanatic141’ finds the game enjoyable and would be willing to pay $40 for it. The cost of entry is subjective and depends on individual preferences and expectations.

Ubisoft’s Reputation:

Some users, like ‘RTMSner’ and ‘Averath,’ express their disappointment with Ubisoft as a company, citing past controversies and questionable business practices. They believe these factors may have a negative impact on the game’s success.

Grind and Pay-to-Win:

Many users, including ‘GetYourJeansOn,’ criticize Skull and Bones for its grind-heavy gameplay and pay-to-win mechanics. They find the game basic and quickly become bored of it.

The Verdict:

While opinions on Skull and Bones vary, it seems that the high cost of entry is a major concern for potential players. Some appreciate the game’s unique concept and enjoy certain aspects of it, while others feel that it falls short compared to similar titles. Ultimately, individual preferences and expectations will determine whether the cost is justified for each player.