Skull and Bones: Is the Hate Unwarranted?

Is the hate for Skull and Bones justified? Find out what players are saying about the game and its price tag.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is a highly anticipated pirate game that has been receiving mixed reviews from players. The game is priced at $70, which is becoming the standard for games of this size. However, some players feel that the game does not live up to the price tag. Let’s take a closer look at the opinions of gamers on the Skull and Bones subreddit.


  • Some players appreciate the massive map and the amount of time it takes to explore it.
  • Others feel that the game lacks originality and new mechanics.
  • The comparison to Sea of Thieves is discussed, with players noting the differences between the two games.
  • The price tag is a common complaint, with some players feeling that it is not justified.

Is the Game Worth the Price?

One player disagrees with the argument that $70 is the standard price for games of this size. They argue that Skull and Bones is not on the same scale and lacks the polish of a game like GTA. They also predict the inclusion of paid battle passes and microtransactions, which could impact the overall value of the game.

Another player points out that while the map may be massive, a significant portion of it is just water and many islands cannot be explored. They argue that the actual playable areas with things to do are much smaller.

Is the Game Improving on Full Release?

Some players express skepticism about the game improving significantly on full release. They argue that expecting a massive difference in a week’s time is unrealistic.

On the other hand, one player suggests that the criticisms of the game are mainly due to negative coping mechanisms and depression among gamers. They believe that the game is being unfairly judged.

Originality and New Mechanics

A common complaint is that Skull and Bones does not bring anything new to the table in terms of gameplay mechanics. Some players argue that new mechanics often end up being disliked in favor of existing ones from other games. They point out that many new games are simply stealing concepts from each other and passing them off as something new.

Price Tag and Value

The price tag is a sticking point for many players. Some feel that the game does not offer enough content or innovation to justify the $70 price. They believe that Black Flag, a previous pirate game, had a larger map and better cosmetics. They also criticize the inclusion of microtransactions that lock desirable cosmetics behind paywalls.

One player even argues that Baldur’s Gate 3 should be priced at $30 based on the logic applied to Skull and Bones.

In conclusion, the hate for Skull and Bones may not be entirely unwarranted. While some players appreciate the massive map and gameplay elements, others feel that the game lacks originality and does not justify the $70 price tag. The comparison to Sea of Thieves and criticisms of the lack of new mechanics further add to the mixed opinions. Ultimately, whether or not Skull and Bones is worth the price is subjective and dependent on individual preferences.