Skull and Bones: Is the Sentinel Support Ship Overpowered?

Is the Sentinel support ship in Skull and Bones too powerful with its constant HP regeneration? Find out what players are saying on Reddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

In Skull and Bones, the Sentinel support ship has raised some questions among players in regards to its constant HP regeneration. One Reddit user, baumgi, expressed their love for the game but raised concerns about the ship’s ability to constantly regen HP. They were under the impression that the ship would only regen when low on HP, but it seems to be working differently. This post has sparked a discussion among the community.


  • The Sentinel support ship in Skull and Bones is said to constantly regen critical HP, which has surprised some players.
  • One user explained that the ship’s Unburden perk restores severe damage and normal hull health, functioning as intended.
  • A player questioned the ship’s effectiveness in combat and expressed uncertainty about whether to use it.

Regenerating HP: Is it Overpowered?

According to one Reddit user, the description of the Sentinel support ship in Skull and Bones states that it “regens critical HP.” This led the user, baumgi, to assume that the ship would only regenerate HP when it reached low levels. The continuous HP regeneration of the ship has surprised them and sparked the discussion in the comments.

Responding to baumgi’s question, Reddit user Xerpos speculated that they were referring to the Cutter, which is currently the only support ship available. Xerpos explained that the Unburden perk of the Cutter restores severe damage (red bar) and normal hull health, therefore functioning as intended. This clarification shed light on the ship’s abilities and provided an explanation for the constant HP regeneration.

However, another user, Legitimate-Site588, expressed doubts about the effectiveness of the Sentinel support ship in combat. They mentioned being unsure about using it because they were unsure how it performs in combat situations. This uncertainty highlights the importance of understanding the ship’s strengths and weaknesses before utilizing it in battle.

Community Discussions and Opinions

The discussion on Reddit surrounding the Sentinel support ship in Skull and Bones shows a mix of opinions. Some players appreciate the constant HP regeneration, finding it useful for sustaining their ship’s health throughout gameplay. Others, like baumgi, were initially surprised by the ship’s abilities and raised concerns about its potential overpowered nature.

It’s important to consider various factors when discussing the balance of a ship or any gameplay mechanic. The overall experience and effectiveness of the Sentinel support ship may depend on specific playstyles, missions, and encounters in the game. Player preferences also play a significant role in determining how powerful or balanced a ship feels.

While some players may enjoy the continuous HP regeneration as it keeps them topped up nicely, others might find it too forgiving or even game-breaking. The performance of the Sentinel support ship in combat remains a topic of debate, with players like Legitimate-Site588 expressing uncertainty about its effectiveness.

As Skull and Bones continues to grow and evolve, it will be interesting to see if any changes are made to the Sentinel support ship or if players adapt their strategies accordingly. The discussion sparked by baumgi’s post on Reddit highlights the community’s eagerness to share their experiences and engage in thoughtful conversations about the game’s mechanics.