Skull and Bones: Is the Speed Difference Worth it? Reddit Users Speak Out

Reddit users discuss whether the speed difference in Skull and Bones is worth the swap.

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever wondered if the speed difference in Skull and Bones is really worth it? Let’s dive into what Reddit users have to say about it!


  • Users find the speed difference in ships like the Brigantine to be highly noticeable.
  • Some prefer ships like the Barque for its versatility and overall performance.
  • Speed upgrades in certain ship levels are highlighted for their impact on gameplay.

User Insights on Speed

Reddit user Conandrewoo points out the strengths of the Barque compared to the Brigantine, emphasizing its versatility and cargo capabilities, despite the Brigantine’s speed.

User Qu33nsGamblt mentions the significant speed bump and turning buff that specific ship levels can offer, enhancing gameplay experience.

Personal Preferences Matter

Some users, like TheGamerKitty1, prioritize survivability over speed, indicating a variety of playstyles among the community.

Ultimately, the debate on whether the speed difference is worth it revolves around individual playstyles and ship preferences within Skull and Bones.