Skull and Bones: Is the Stamina System Meh?

Is the stamina system in Skull and Bones living up to expectations? Let's dive into the Reddit post and see what players are saying!

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones, Ubisoft’s upcoming pirate adventure game, has been generating a lot of buzz in the gaming community. One particular aspect of the game that has sparked a heated debate among players is the stamina system. A Reddit post titled ‘The stamina system is meh’ by user YaDodzh has attracted a flurry of comments, each offering their own perspective on the subject. 


  • The current stamina system is seen as lazy and lacks depth by some players.
  • Others feel that incorporating wind direction into the stamina mechanic could add more complexity and strategic gameplay.
  • Some players appreciate the stamina system as it incentivizes fishing for meals to replenish stamina.

Player Perspectives:

User Inuro_Enderas suggests that tying stamina consumption to wind indicators would enhance immersion and offer more nuanced sailing mechanics. They also point out the discrepancy between the flag movement and wind direction.

Kiiena disagrees, arguing that the current stamina system serves its purpose in PvP scenarios. They believe the system adds tension and strategy, especially during the Beta events like the Cutthroat Cargo, where players had to balance stamina management with evading and outrunning opponents.

tcari394 offers a unique perspective by highlighting the enjoyment of fishing for sharks to replenish stamina. They find it an enjoyable diversion from the usual combat-centric gameplay in Skull and Bones.

GenghisMcKhan expresses frustration and advocates for the inclusion of a cruising speed that allows players to sail at full speed indefinitely. They see the current system as a needless annoyance in non-combat situations.

On the other hand, Kaunmann and AntonGrimm express their satisfaction with the stamina system, indicating that it suits their play style and overall gameplay experience in Skull and Bones.

Overall, players have differing opinions on the stamina system in Skull and Bones. While some find it lacking in depth and frustrating in certain scenarios, others appreciate it for promoting strategic decisions and offering a break from combat-focused activities. Ubisoft will need to carefully consider this feedback as they continue to refine the game before its release.