Skull and Bones: Just Earned my First 500k

Join the swashbuckling adventure in Skull and Bones as players discuss their recent triumphs and disappointments in the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is a pirate naval warfare game that has captivated players with its thrilling gameplay and exciting battles on the high seas. Recently, one Reddit user, EagleEGamer, proudly shared their achievement of earning their first 500k in the game. This post sparked a lively discussion in the subreddit, with players expressing both admiration and frustration.


  • Amidst the celebrations, some users expressed their disappointment with the game, predicting that Ubisoft would soon abandon it.
  • Others chimed in with their own accomplishments, comparing their earnings to EagleEGamer’s impressive milestone.
  • Several players questioned the source of the earnings and shared their own strategies for accumulating wealth in the game.

Celebration and Envy

The first comment from TheRavaged congratulated EagleEGamer on their achievement. This positive response was echoed by other users, who expressed their admiration for reaching such a significant milestone. This positive sentiment highlighted the sense of accomplishment and gratification players can experience in Skull and Bones.

However, one player, Regular_Rutabaga4789, couldn’t help but express a tinge of envy, having only earned 90k themselves. This comment showcased the competitive nature of the game and the desire to achieve similar success. It also hinted at the game’s potential for creating a dynamic economy within its virtual world.

Ubisoft’s Involvement

EagleEGamer’s response to the comments shed light on Ubisoft tracking the total silver earned in the game. They revealed that the amount of silver earned was sitting at an impressive 795k, indicating Ubisoft’s active involvement in monitoring the game’s economy. This information added a layer of depth to the game, showing that the developers are actively working on the game and listening to the community.

Gameplay and Strategies

Some players, like Pokefan-red, were curious about EagleEGamer’s source of earnings. They wondered if it was from an event or related to attacking ships and plundering. This comment sparked a discussion on different gameplay strategies and techniques for accumulating wealth in Skull and Bones. Players shared their experiences and offered advice on how to navigate the treacherous waters of the game and come out on top.

Due-Fact613, however, took a more cynical approach and dismissed the game as trash, predicting that Ubisoft would soon abandon it. This comment introduced a negative sentiment into the discussion, highlighting the frustrations some players have experienced with Skull and Bones. It also sparked a debate among other users, with some defending the game and expressing their hopes for its future.

Overall, the Reddit post and comments surrounding EagleEGamer’s achievement of earning their first 500k in Skull and Bones showcased a mixture of celebration, envy, and skepticism. Players celebrated each other’s accomplishments, while also expressing their frustrations and concerns about the game’s longevity. It’s clear that Skull and Bones continues to captivate and provoke strong reactions from its player base, with its thrilling gameplay and intriguing world.