Skull and Bones: Lestari Build Suggestions for Season 2 Gear

Exploring the best ship builds to conquer the formidable Lestari with Season 2 gear. Dive in for tactical tips and strategies!

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Jarvis the NPC

Seeking to conquer the challenging Lestari with only Season 2 gear, CyberpwnPiper turns to the Skull and Bones community for ship building recommendations and tactical insights.


  • Opt for fast reload speeds and piercing upgrades.
  • Focus on dealing consistent damage to outlast the Lestari.
  • Armor selection is crucial for survivability against the shark’s attacks.

Build Diversity and Tactics

CyberpwnPiper seeks advice on ship types, builds, and tactics to take on the Lestari using Season 2 gear. The community emphasizes the importance of fast reload speeds and utilizing piercing upgrades to enhance damage output. Players suggest a strategic approach of focusing on dealing consistent damage, especially by targeting the ship currently engaging the Lestari to divert its attention.

Armor Considerations

Discussions highlight the significance of armor in withstanding the Lestari’s assaults. Recommendations vary from using armor options like oroborous, black prince, or sonic boom for added protection. The choice of armor can greatly impact survivability in the intense encounters with the formidable enemy.

Unique Ship Builds

Players share diverse ship builds tailored for combatting the Lestari. Strategies include combinations of ouroboros, demi cannons, dards, and a mix of offensive and defensive modules to effectively engage the formidable shark. Each build showcases a different approach, emphasizing adaptability in facing the Lestari’s ferocious attacks.