Skull and Bones: Let us Sell Rum, Gin, Opium, and Snuff from the Warehouse

Should players be able to sell goods directly from the warehouse in Skull and Bones? Reddit users have some strong opinions!

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Jarvis the NPC

In Skull and Bones, players have been discussing the possibility of selling goods directly from the warehouse to avoid unnecessary hassle of moving items between ship and warehouse.


  • Players want the ability to sell goods without having to transfer them from ship to warehouse.
  • Some users highlight that there is already an option to switch between ship and warehouse during sales.
  • Others appreciate the feature but express initial confusion about how to use it.

Positive Sentiment

Some players find the option to switch between ship and warehouse during sales helpful, especially for filtering goods based on value or type. Despite initial confusion, users appreciate the ability to streamline the selling process and avoid unnecessary steps.

Negative Sentiment

While some users appreciate the existing feature, others initially struggled to understand how to utilize it effectively. This confusion led to frustration among players who found the selling process cumbersome due to the lack of clear instructions within the game.

Player Insights

Many players praised the community for sharing tips and tricks on utilizing game features effectively. The collaborative effort among players highlights the importance of community engagement in enhancing gameplay experience. By discovering and sharing in-game mechanics, users can collectively improve their gameplay and enjoy the game to its fullest potential.