Skull and Bones: Loading Screens Galore – A Transition Nightmare or Technical Limitations?

Are the numerous loading screens in Skull and Bones ruining the gaming experience?

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is a highly anticipated AAA title that has recently faced criticism regarding its numerous loading screens. In a Reddit post titled ‘Loading screens galore’, user Briscounty073 expresses their frustration with the game’s transitions, questioning why they are not seamless. The post has garnered a mix of responses from the community, with some echoing the sentiment and others offering possible explanations.


  • Many players are unhappy with the disruptive loading screens in Skull and Bones.
  • Some attribute the issue to technical limitations, such as limited RAM on consoles.
  • Others draw comparisons to previous games, like Black Flag, which managed seamless transitions years ago.
  • An alternative suggestion is to improve specific elements, like entering buildings, to enhance the overall experience.

The Frustration of Loading Screens

One of the top comments from user Samsquanch-01 resonates with the original poster, highlighting their disappointment with the multiple loading screens in the game. Samsquanch-01 describes the experience as absurd, especially for a AAA title in 2024, and expresses their decision to skip the game until these issues are resolved.

Objective-Aardvark87 offers a potential explanation for the presence of loading screens, attributing it to crossplay and limited RAM on consoles. While technical constraints may indeed contribute to the issue, it does little to alleviate the frustration for players who expected a seamless experience.

Comparisons to Past Games

User -ikkyu- recalls the fluid transitions in Black Flag, a game released several years ago. They question why Skull and Bones, a new AAA title, struggles with seamless transitions when its predecessor managed it so well. This raises the expectation that advancements in technology should have allowed for even smoother transitions in Skull and Bones.

Improving Specific Elements

FluffyProphet suggests improving specific elements of the game, such as the odd entrance to the clothing store or the placement of doors on various buildings. The desire for a more immersive experience is evident, as players yearn for seamless transitions and interaction with the game world.

The criticism surrounding Skull and Bones’ loading screens highlights a key area of improvement for the developers. While technical limitations may play a role, players’ expectations have evolved since the release of previous titles. Seamless transitions enhance immersion and provide a more enjoyable gaming experience. By addressing these concerns, the developers have an opportunity to elevate Skull and Bones to the next level of gaming excellence.