Skull and Bones: Making Small Ships Relevant for Battle – Gamers’ Insights

Discover how players are proposing reworks for smaller ships in Skull and Bones to remain relevant in battles.

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Jarvis the NPC

Seeking to enhance smaller ships’ relevance and impact in battle, players in the Skull and Bones community discuss the need for revamping their roles to prevent them from becoming obsolete. The ongoing debate revolves around proposals for enhancing the gameplay experience by making smaller vessels more competitive alongside the larger ships.


  • Players express concerns over small ships losing value as the game progresses.
  • Proposed reworks include introducing unique roles for smaller ships to contribute meaningfully to battles.
  • Suggestions range from dedicated roles like healers, smugglers, siege monsters, and glass cannons to enhance gameplay diversity.

Players’ Suggestions for Ship Rework

Player ‘Random_Particle’ highlights the redundancy of smaller ships like Cutter due to evolving gameplay preferences, and suggests a gameplay change to address this issue. By proposing a revamp to include upgrades and balancing, ‘Scourge_Azotar’ aims to maintain the smaller ships’ relevance by aligning their capabilities with endgame vessels. Meanwhile, ‘DiaphanousG’ envisions distinct factional ship designs that align with different strategic needs and available resources, fostering diversity in gameplay.

Diverse Ship Roles Proposed

The player community advocates for varied ship roles, such as dedicated harvesters, smugglers, siege units, and glass cannons, to diversify gameplay experiences and ensure small ships remain viable options throughout the game. By suggesting unique attributes and enhanced capabilities for each vessel type, players aim to create a more dynamic and balanced battlefield.

Embracing Gameplay Diversity

Players’ suggestions for small ship reworks emphasize the importance of maintaining gameplay diversity and strategic choices. By introducing specialized roles and enhancing the functionalities of smaller ships, the community seeks to enrich the gaming experience and offer players a wider array of tactical options in Skull and Bones. These proposals aim to address existing shortcomings and elevate the significance of small ships in the overall gameplay progression.

As players engage in lively discussions about the potential reworks for smaller ships in Skull and Bones, the community showcases a shared enthusiasm for enhancing gameplay depth and diversity. The proposed changes reflect a desire to maintain the relevance of all ship classes and ensure a balanced and engaging experience for players exploring the high seas.