Skull and Bones: Navigating the Perils of the East Indies

Has anyone made it past the open water to the east indies?

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones brings players to the treacherous waters of the East Indies, but is it worth the risk? Reddit users share their experiences and tips for navigating this challenging region.


  • Exploring the East Indies comes with dangers and challenges.
  • High-level ships and privateers pose threats to inexperienced sailors.
  • Avoiding conflict and sticking to the shores is recommended.

Treacherous Waters and Hidden Gems

According to user BigFudge028, sailing from Saint Anne to the main hub in the East Indies took them 15 minutes. However, they advise avoiding confrontation and focusing on exploration. They describe encountering high-level ships and opting to steer clear and admire the sights.

Avoiding Trouble at All Costs

Another user, Wargazmatron, echoes the sentiment of caution in the East Indies. They mention that ship level and density in the region are notably high, which increases the risk of getting overwhelmed by powerful opponents. Their advice is to refrain from engaging in combat and stick to the coastal areas, where lower-level ships are more prevalent.

While the allure of the East Indies may be strong, it’s clear that venturing into these waters requires careful planning and strategic decision-making. The abundance of formidable ships and privateers means that choosing your battles wisely is vital. Whether it’s appreciating the stunning scenery or discovering hidden treasures, players must weigh the potential rewards against the grave risks that lurk beneath the surface.