Skull and Bones: NPC Damage Complaints and Glitches Galore

Players in Skull and Bones are raising concerns about NPCs dealing minimal damage, while some enjoy the unexpected glitchy ride.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Skull and Bones, players are up in arms about the lack of NPC damage. A Reddit user, magsical_, recently shared their frustrations, noting that NPCs seem to be dealing minimal to no damage. The issue appears widespread, with various players chiming in on the matter.


  • Players reporting negligible damage from NPCs in Skull and Bones, leading to concerns about the game’s balance.
  • Some users speculate that recent updates may have introduced bugs affecting NPC damage calculations.
  • Despite the complaints, a few players are enjoying the unexpected benefits of reduced NPC aggression.

Players Demand Action

One Reddit user, Stuart267, brushed off the complaints, suggesting that the issue might be isolated. He stated, “Sounds like an issue your end or maybe the server you were in. Very strange.” However, others like Yellow_Flash_v4 shared similar encounters, hinting at a potential bug tied to recent updates.

Confusion and Amusement

joe852397 expressed confusion over the sudden shift in NPC behavior, claiming, “I thought I was doing a really good job bracing. Then I took on a few chorus boats with all the torpedoes and they didn’t do anything to me.” Some, like answaiks_voltage, took the glitch in stride, turning a convoy mission into a breezy exploit.

Technical Troubles

Despite the allure of invincibility, players like duntduntdahh and Erevus7728 raised concerns about the unintended consequences of diminished damage output. “I have a DPS Barque build and am accustomed to my damage output numbers; they have gone down as well,” complained duntduntdahh. Erevus7728 added, “I lost a factory after update and actually the damage was going pretty fast.”

Skull and Bones finds itself in a curious state of affairs, with players torn between frustration and amusement over the game’s unpredictable mechanics. As Ubisoft navigates the storm of player feedback, only time will tell if these quirks will be patched out or embraced as part of the pirate experience.