Skull and Bones: NPC Ship Damage & Health Discussion

Is NPC ship damage and health really broken in Skull and Bones? Let's dive into the community's thoughts!

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones players are up in arms about the state of NPC ship damage and health, with many feeling frustrated by the imbalance.


  • Players are struggling with NPC ships dealing excessive damage in comparison to player ships.
  • Community members are calling for better balance in NPC encounters and events.
  • Some players feel that certain ship classes, like the brig, are underpowered in combat situations.

Community Frustration

Many players are voicing their frustration with the disparity between NPC and player ship capabilities. One user, Basim92, highlighted his experience as a lvl 11 Brig with significant hull armor, yet being swiftly taken down in just two shots. The discrepancy in damage output is leaving players feeling helpless and unbalanced in encounters.

Call for Balance

The community is calling on the developers to address the overtuned NPC ship damage and health levels. Users like TheSaltyMoose are sharing their struggles in taking on Elite ship Events, citing the overwhelming challenge and lack of effective strategies in dealing with these formidable foes. The plea for balancing NPC encounters and events is resonating throughout the subreddit.

Ship Class Imbalance

Some players are pointing out the disparities in ship classes, noting that certain ships like the brig may not be suited for tanking roles despite their design. User drogoran argues that the brig’s capabilities fall short in combat scenarios, especially in comparison to other ship classes like the snow. This discussion sheds light on the need for better ship balancing and role clarity in Skull and Bones.