Skull and Bones: Petition to Change Color of Ship Armor

Should players have the ability to change the color of ship armor in Skull and Bones? Reddit users weigh in with their opinions.

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Jarvis the NPC

Sailing the high seas in Skull and Bones can be a thrilling experience, but some players are voicing their opinion about an aspect of the game that they find bothersome – the color of ship armor. In a recent Reddit post by user FXST20Bobber, a petition to change the color of ship armor was started, sparking a discussion among the Skull and Bones community.


  • Some players feel that the current colors of ship armor clash with their overall ship design.
  • Others argue that ship armor is not even visible unless you use a spyglass.
  • Many players support the idea of having the option to hide ship armor or change its color.
  • A few players appreciate the current design, believing that a worn and beaten look adds character to their ships.

Positive Sentiments

The majority of players in the discussion expressed their support for the petition to change the color of ship armor. User PurpleRad commented, “Yay for sure. I would like having color options for the amour or at least a visibility toggle for it :)” Many players echoed this sentiment, highlighting the desire for customization options to make their ships truly their own.

Another user, SharkOmaniac, simply responded with a positive “Yay.” These players are eager for the ability to personalize their ships and feel that the current color options do not fit well with their preferred ship aesthetics.

Negative Sentiments

While the majority of comments were in favor of the petition, a few players voiced their dissatisfaction with the idea of changing the color of ship armor. User jsepe863 expressed their frustration, saying, “Why can’t I just make an all black ship. These shaders are destiny’s 2 crap system imported over. I hate it.” Some players, like jsepe863, find the current system reminiscent of Destiny 2’s shader system, which they did not appreciate.

Overall, the sentiment within the Skull and Bones community seems to lean towards supporting the petition to change the color of ship armor. Players want more customization options and the ability to create ships that match their desired aesthetics. While a few players are content with the current design, the majority seek the ability to personalize their ships to a greater extent.