Skull and Bones: Pilfered Designs Quest Bugs and Frustrations Explained

Join the conversation on Reddit about the Pilfered Designs quest bug in Skull and Bones.

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In the world of Skull and Bones, navigating quests can be as treacherous as the high seas. In a recent Reddit post, user Thick-Consequence177 seeks guidance on a bug affecting the Pilfered Designs quest. They find themselves in a dilemma where the quest seems complete, but the necessary blueprint is missing. Let’s dive into the discussion to uncover the depths of this issue.


  • Players frustrated by missing blueprint in Pilfered Designs quest
  • Rank requirements not clearly explained causing confusion
  • Community offers limited solutions, highlighting a common issue

Unraveling Player Frustrations

One user, CyberpwnPiper, shares experiencing a similar obstacle with the quest. They mention having upgrade parts but facing restrictions in progressing due to an unclear rank requirement. This sentiment resonates with Mack1305, who simply echoes, ‘Ditto,’ signifying the shared struggle among players. Despite the community’s solidarity, user 5ek70r expresses exasperation at the lack of solutions available, reflecting the overarching frustration felt by many in similar predicaments.

The Rank Dilemma

The issue of rank requirements emerges as a central theme in players’ discussions. CyberpwnPiper speculates that the grayed out ‘Upgrade’ option could be linked to an insufficient rank—a conjecture further supported by TodayDue’s advice to aim for a higher rank. The ambiguity surrounding rank prerequisites adds a layer of complexity to the quest progression, leaving players stranded in a sea of uncertainty.

Community Support and Resolution

While camaraderie prevails in shared grievances, concrete solutions remain scarce within the thread. Despite the call for assistance, users like 5ek70r lament the lack of actionable advice, highlighting a gap in community support for this particular bug. As players navigate the intricacies of Skull and Bones, the quest bug serves as a reminder of the challenges that await in the vast expanse of virtual piracy.