Skull and Bones: Players Concerned Over Lvl 6 Buff Issue

Skull and Bones players frustrated with apparent level 6 buff malfunction in recent thread. What's going on with the PaddyWagon upgrade?

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones players on Reddit express frustration over the malfunctioning level 6 buff for the PaddyWagon upgrade. When a key feature turns into a grindfest of broken mechanics, well, that’s the pirate’s life for you.


  • Players aggravated by the underperforming level 6 buff for PaddyWagon
  • Speculation that recent upgrades have fundamentally broken mechanics for some users
  • Potential bug affecting damage output and ship functionality post-upgrades

Player Frustrations

Stormfirebird chimes in, noting that some upgrades seem to be fundamentally broken this week, impacting various players. It’s a mystery buffet, where the main dish is disappointment with a side of glitches.

slowelantra18 shares a testing experience showcasing pre and post-upgrade damage inconsistencies, hinting at broader issues affecting gameplay. It’s like trying to catch a Kraken with a net full of holes—nothing’s quite sticking.

Icon Confusion

dhirmadi raises an interesting point about the duration of the buff, suggesting that the icon may not accurately reflect the actual buff window. It’s a puzzling pirate’s tale where even the icons play tricks on you.

In the wild seas of Skull and Bones, the winds of change sometimes bring more than just new upgrades. Players must navigate not only the treacherous waters but also the murky depths of broken mechanics and unforeseen bugs. Whether it’s a temporary storm or a full-blown disaster, only time will tell if the pirate’s life will be smooth sailing once more.