Skull and Bones: Players Discuss Technical Issues and Bugs

Players in the Skull and Bones subreddit share frustrations over technical issues and bugs in the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the Skull and Bones community, players are voicing their concerns about technical issues and bugs plaguing their gaming experience. From PC to PS5, it seems like no platform is safe from these woes.


  • Players across platforms experiencing recurring technical issues
  • Some speculate on the cause, mentioning game instability and draw distance bugs
  • Attempts to fix problems through driver updates and game verification often fail

Players’ Reactions

Many users are frustrated with the lack of resolution for these technical problems. User ‘Nomak601’ bluntly states, ‘It’s an unstable game,’ capturing the general sentiment of the community.

‘RlDDlP’ shares their troubleshooting efforts, pointing out that even after verifying game files and updating drivers, the issues persist, leading to a sense of resignation among players.

Drawing Distances and Graphics Bugs

‘Manaea’ sheds light on a specific issue, mentioning that these anomalies may be related to draw distance bugs affecting graphics quality. This insight hints at underlying game bugs causing the disturbances.

Overall, players seem disheartened by the technical setbacks in Skull and Bones, hoping for prompt fixes to enhance their gameplay experience.