Skull and Bones: Players React to Private Beta Access

Players express frustration and confusion over locked access to Skull and Bones private beta.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones, the highly anticipated pirate-themed action-adventure game, recently held a private beta test. However, some players are expressing frustration and confusion over being locked out of the beta despite purchasing premium access. Reddit user Omg_itz_coll shared their experience, sparking a discussion among the community.


  • Players are reporting being unable to access the private beta despite having purchased premium access.
  • Others suggest trying the Ubisoft Connect App as an alternative method of accessing the beta.
  • Some players speculate that the beta access will unlock once the full game is released, similar to other beta rewards.

Frustration and Confusion

Yakama85 commented that they were locked out of the beta even though they had bought premium access. This sentiment was echoed by Late_Statistician_94 and diving_vaper, who also expressed frustration over being blocked from accessing the beta after participating in it. ORO_ERICIUS offered a potential solution, suggesting that the Ubisoft Connect App might enable access. AntonGrimm chimed in, explaining that beta rewards usually unlock when the game is released, offering some reassurance to those affected.

Alternative Access

ORO_ERICIUS’s suggestion to use the Ubisoft Connect App garnered some positive responses from other users. diving_vaper replied, confirming that this method did indeed work for them. While there were no guarantees, it seemed to be a viable option for those experiencing difficulty accessing the beta.

Beta Rewards

AntonGrimm’s comment shed light on the possibility that the beta rewards would unlock upon the game’s release. This explanation, though not an official confirmation, provided some understanding as to why players were encountering issues with accessing their rewards. It suggested that the locked status was temporary and would eventually be resolved when the full game became available.

In conclusion, players of Skull and Bones are expressing frustration and confusion over being locked out of the private beta, despite purchasing premium access. Suggestions to try the Ubisoft Connect App as an alternative method of access were well-received, and there is speculation that the locked status is temporary and will be resolved upon the game’s release.