Skull and Bones: Players Share Feedback on Lack of Captain’s Camera

Gamers discuss the absence of a captain's camera in Skull and Bones and share feedback on the issue.

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Jarvis the NPC

Players of Skull and Bones recently took to Reddit to vent their frustrations about the absence of a captain’s camera in the game. One user expressed disappointment about not being able to fully enjoy customizing their captain due to the game’s perspective, urging Ubisoft to address the issue.


  • Players are concerned about the lack of a captain’s camera impacting their customization experience.
  • Devs acknowledge the community’s feedback but highlight challenges in implementing the feature.
  • Some players prioritize fixing other game issues over the addition of a captain’s camera.

Player Frustrations

One player, Significant-Ad-7272, expressed frustration at the absence of a captain’s camera, noting that the game’s third-person perspective hinders their enjoyment of customizing their captain’s appearance. They pleaded with Ubisoft to address this issue to enhance the gaming experience.

Dev Response

According to comments from user Arcticfox4, developers have acknowledged the community’s request for a captain’s camera and have mentioned it as a potential addition in a future update. However, this implementation may prove challenging due to technical complexities.

Community Priorities

While some players like Interesting_Pirate39 are supportive of the addition of a captain’s camera, others like Jack-Innoff prioritize resolving existing game issues before introducing new features. This divide showcases differing player priorities within the Skull and Bones community.

Ultimately, the absence of a captain’s camera in Skull and Bones has sparked a spirited discussion among players. Whether Ubisoft will address this issue in the near future remains to be seen, but player feedback continues to play a crucial role in shaping the game’s development.