Skull and Bones: Players’ Wind Map Suggestions Gain Traction

The Skull and Bones community discusses the implementation of a wind map to enhance gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones players are making waves with their latest suggestion to add a wind map to the game. The idea is that a map showcasing wind directions could significantly improve navigation and make fast travels more strategic. Reddit user Qu33nsGamblt proposed the concept, emphasizing that visualizing wind on a map should be a feasible addition.


  • Players want a wind map for strategic sailing.
  • The community sees potential improvements in navigation and travel planning.
  • Some users worry about historical accuracy debates.

Pieces Runs and Helm Wagers

Reddit user _denchy07 expressed that tasks like pieces runs and helm wagers would greatly benefit from a wind map feature, enhancing gameplay engagement and strategy.

A Simple Yet Impactful Addition

monkeymatt85 highlighted that even a basic version of a wind map would result in a substantial improvement for players, underlining the potential positive impact of such a feature.

Dealing with Wind Annoyances

User cre4mpuffmyf4ce shared their frustration with navigating wind mechanics in the game and expressed strong support for a wind map feature to aid in planning fast travels more efficiently.

Realistic Wind Concerns

Fit_Forever_7223 voiced concerns about the realism and consistency of wind behavior in Skull and Bones. They emphasized the importance of accurate wind simulation to enhance the overall experience of sailing in the game.