Skull and Bones: Pre-ordered and had a blast

Read about Redditors' experiences with Skull and Bones - the good, the bad, and the hilarious sea monster encounters!

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is a game that had its fair share of skeptical players, but it seems like some Redditors have been pleasantly surprised. In a post titled ‘Pre-ordered – had a blast,’ user Throwthroataway1 shared their experience playing the game with friends and encountering a sea monster that left them in stitches.


  • Despite low expectations, the OP had a fun-filled gaming experience and rated it 10/10.
  • Players appreciated the game more once they tried it and experienced the gameplay.
  • Some Redditors praised the open beta as it allowed them to form their own opinions.

Positive Gameplay Experiences:

One Redditor, Some_lost_cute_dude, pointed out the decrease in hate posts and downvotes as more people gave the game a chance. They believe this indicates that there’s more to the game than initially meets the eye.

Collinz_uk shares the sentiment, stating that the game is unfairly criticized and that they’re currently having a blast playing with friends. The only downside is having to wait a couple of days before diving back in.

Another user, IzzoRamiro, mentions the toxic hate from a minority group but highlights the importance of trying the game firsthand before passing judgment. They’re grateful for the open beta that allowed them to make an informed decision and ultimately pre-ordered the game.

Exciting Adventures:

Random_Particle recounts a thrilling battle against three large enemy ships and three smaller ships joining the fray. They also share the excitement of plundering a settlement alone in the Bedar.

Ellixhirion expresses similar satisfaction with the game, having reached the beta tier and not wanting to waste any more of their infamy points.

These anecdotes showcase the potential for exciting moments and enjoyable gameplay in Skull and Bones.

With positive experiences like these, it seems that Skull and Bones might be worth giving a chance, especially when playing with friends.