Skull and Bones: Privateer Spawns Ruffling Feathers in East Indies

Discover the chaos of privateer spawns and player experiences in the East Indies of Skull and Bones.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Skull and Bones, navigating the treacherous seas of the East Indies poses more than just a challenge. The issue of privateer spawns in certain areas has players on edge about the frequency and proximity of these encounters.


  • Privateer spawns overwhelming players in the East Indies.
  • Multiple privateers appearing in close proximity causing frustration.
  • Players feeling outnumbered and seeking better balance in encounters.

The Chaos Unleashed

TheRebelGreaser1955 raises a valid concern regarding the intense concentration of privateer spawns in the East Indies, especially when multiple threats converge within a short distance. The overwhelming presence of privateers leaves players feeling outnumbered and unfairly targeted, disrupting the immersive experience of the game.

A Call for Fair Gameplay

GemDG chimes in with the observation of numerous Dutch fleets constantly roaming the area, adding to the chaos and unpredictability of encounters for players. This dire situation calls for a reevaluation of spawn mechanics to ensure a fair and balanced gameplay experience.

Player Strategies and Feedback

Random_Particle shares their experience of dealing with aggressive players dragging rogue ships into crowded areas, complicating the already challenging environment. The suggestion to adjust aggro mechanics to focus solely on the hunted player reflects the community’s desire for a more strategic and cohesive gameplay experience.

The community feedback highlights the need for developers to address the issue of privateer spawns in high-density areas, fostering a more engaging and balanced gameplay environment for all players.