Skull and Bones: PvP Events Are Very Bad

PvP events in Skull and Bones are full of cringey 2-4 man groups that que together and 100% win. What are players saying?

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Jarvis the NPC

PvP events in Skull and Bones can be frustrating, especially when you constantly encounter coordinated groups that seem unbeatable. It’s disheartening to face a 2-4 man team that queues together and dominates every match. But is there a way to overcome this challenge?


  • Coordinated groups have an advantage in PvP events
  • Grabbing the map first and using speed advantages can be a winning strategy
  • Understanding game mechanics and outplaying opponents is crucial

Unbeatable Coordination

One player expressed frustration with the dominance of coordinated groups, mentioning how they always win without fail. They described these groups as cringey and suggested that queuing together gives them an unfair advantage.

Another player responded to this sentiment by sharing their own tactics. They advised grabbing the map first with the brig and utilizing speed advantages to stay ahead of the competition. This strategy has helped them achieve countless victories in PvP events.

Understanding the Mechanics

Some players defended PvP events, noting that they find them the most enjoyable aspect of the game. They emphasized the importance of knowing what’s happening in the game and using this knowledge to outplay opponents. They acknowledged that being outnumbered can be difficult but suggested strategies like shooting sails with tearing cannons to level the playing field.

Another player highlighted the importance of teaming up with friends and utilizing tanking and healing ships. They argued that many of the content in Skull and Bones are designed for team play, and grouping together can provide advantages in PvP events.

Overcoming the Challenges

One player, who admitted to being part of a cringey 2-man group, humorously questioned why their victims consistently found themselves in perilous situations between them and their friend. They advised others not to go in between enemy players when outnumbered and to use the brace mechanics to mitigate damage. Additionally, they pointed out that the nose part of the ship is a weak point on player ships, suggesting a potential strategy to exploit vulnerabilities.

While the dominance of coordinated groups in Skull and Bones’ PvP events can be frustrating, it’s clear that there are strategies and tactics that can tip the scales in your favor. Understanding the game’s mechanics, utilizing speed advantages, and teaming up with friends are key elements to consider. With the right approach, even the most coordinated groups can be overcome, making PvP events a thrilling challenge.