Skull and Bones: PVP Woes and Fast Travel Frustrations

Discover the uproar surrounding PVP issues and fast travel complaints in Skull and Bones.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones players are up in arms over the broken PVP system and rampant fast travel abuse. The inability to combat unfair practices has led to widespread frustration among the community.


  • Fast travel undermines the competitive nature of PVP.
  • Players are exploiting loopholes in the system for unfair advantages.
  • The need for significant restrictions and reworks in PVP mechanics is critical.

Ganging Up in the Seas

One player expressed, ‘100% you get gang up on super quickly, people not taking any DMG and having the ability to fast travel but you can’t makes it completely pointless.’ The sentiment resonates throughout the community, highlighting the unbalanced nature of encounters.

Unfair Advantage: Fast Travel

‘100% agree. The ability to fast travel in PVP is unfair,’ echoed another player. The consensus revolves around the exploitability of fast travel mechanics, leading to frustrating gameplay experiences.

Rethinking Game Design

Players are calling for fundamental changes in PVP design. Suggestions range from modifying fast travel restrictions to overhauling the entire system to address the current imbalance and lack of competitive integrity.

Wrath of the Community

As frustrations mount, the Skull and Bones community demands urgent fixes to restore enjoyment in the game. The viability of the title hangs in the balance, contingent on addressing these pressing issues.