Skull and Bones: Sea of Thieves Feedback at Release (Does it Seem Familiar?)

Sea of Thieves had a rocky launch, but is it familiar territory for Skull and Bones?

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is an upcoming pirate-themed video game that has been generating a lot of excitement among gamers. However, it’s important to consider the potential pitfalls of the game, particularly in light of the feedback received by another pirate game, Sea of Thieves, upon its release. In a Reddit post titled ‘Sea of Thieves feedback at release (seem familiar?)’, user StrictlySanDiego expresses their enthusiasm for Skull and Bones, while acknowledging the previous struggles of Sea of Thieves. Let’s dive into the community responses and analyze the sentiment surrounding Skull and Bones.


  • Sea of Thieves was heavily criticized at launch, leading to uncertainties regarding Skull and Bones’ potential reception.
  • Some players believe that Sea of Thieves has improved over time and that Skull and Bones could follow a similar path.
  • Others express concerns about the potential longevity of Skull and Bones, fearing it could suffer from dwindling player numbers like Sea of Thieves.
  • Rare’s responsiveness to community feedback saved Sea of Thieves from being a failure, raising hopes that Skull and Bones will also benefit from a receptive development team.

The Launch Experience:

User MHarrisGGG bluntly states, ‘SoT, for as much as everyone wants this to apparently be, was absolutely trashed at launch.’ They clearly express a negative sentiment towards Sea of Thieves’ initial state. Similarly, Mago515 highlights the past as they praise the game’s current state – ‘SoT was unfinished garbage when it released and deserved every ounce of shit it got. It’s fantastic now.’ The stark contrast between the game’s troubled launch and its subsequent improvements is a clear cause for concern among gamers looking forward to Skull and Bones.

The Fear of Deserted Waters:

Powerhearse acknowledges the widespread belief that Sea of Thieves experienced a decline in players, mentioning, ‘And since everyone got the game with a trial subscription, in 1 week or so SOT is going to be a ghost town… literally the toxic idiots in this sub lmao.’ This sentiment reflects a fear among gamers that Skull and Bones could see a similar fate, with player interest quickly waning. The skepticism arises from the notion that the pirate theme alone might not be enough to sustain a player base in the long run.

Community Engagement:

JayZulla87 highlights the key aspect that allowed Sea of Thieves to overcome its struggles, stating, ‘Had Rare not listened to its community SoT could’ve been a massive flop.’ It’s encouraging to see that the developers were willing to listen and make necessary changes based on player feedback. This responsiveness from Rare indicates that Skull and Bones may have a similar opportunity to evolve and improve over time, allaying some of the concerns expressed by the community.

In conclusion, the feedback surrounding Sea of Thieves’ release certainly raises questions about the potential challenges Skull and Bones could face. However, it’s important to remember that the success of a game is not solely determined by its initial launch but by the developers’ willingness to listen and improve. While there are valid concerns about Skull and Bones, the positive changes witnessed in Sea of Thieves give hope that this upcoming pirate game can also find its footing and provide an enjoyable experience for players.