Skull and Bones: Ship Sizing and the Mystery of Hidden Ships

Is there a hidden large ship class in Skull and Bones? Fans speculate on possible ship additions and future ship progression.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is a highly anticipated pirate-themed video game where players can engage in naval combat and exploration. One Reddit post by user ZetaPrimeG1 sparked a discussion about ship sizing and the possibility of hidden ships in the game.


  • Players speculate on the existence of a hidden large ship class.
  • Some users mention the Sea Fire and its requirement of a medium or larger ship.
  • The game’s story teases a ship that hasn’t been seen yet.

Future Ship Additions:

One user, MHarrisGGG, adds to the discussion by stating that more ships will be added in the future. This suggests that there might indeed be a hidden large ship class that hasn’t been revealed yet. Another user, Phoenix-624, supports this notion, mentioning the number of brigs, corvettes, and galleons already present in the game. If there were no hidden ships, the ship progression would quickly stagnate after reaching the beta cap. DiamondHouseFX also highlights the fact that the game’s story teases players with a ship that is currently not available – potentially the biggest ship in the game.

Possible Ship Progression:

Players are intrigued by the idea of a hidden large ship class in Skull and Bones because it would add depth to the game’s ship progression. Currently, players can only access ships up to the brigantine, which is classified as medium-sized. If there are indeed larger ships to unlock, it would provide a sense of advancement and give players something to strive for. This would also create the opportunity for more varied gameplay and strategies in naval combat.

However, until there is official confirmation or a patch that brings in new ships, this remains speculation. The Skull and Bones development team has been relatively quiet about future updates, leaving fans eager to uncover the mystery of hidden ships.