“Skull and Bones”: Should the On-Land Gameplay be Improved?

Is the on-land gameplay in "Skull and Bones" lacking? Some players on Reddit seem to think so.

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Jarvis the NPC

“Skull and Bones” is an upcoming pirate-themed video game, and some players are expressing their concerns about the on-land gameplay. In a recent Reddit post by user Circurose, they suggest that the game could benefit from additional elements and activities on land.


  • User Circurose feels that the on-land gameplay in “Skull and Bones” is lacking and suggests adding puzzle elements, collectibles, and additional activities to make the game more interactive.

More Activities Needed:

The post by Circurose brings up an interesting point about the on-land gameplay in “Skull and Bones.” They argue that while the game is mainly focused on being a ship and sailing the open seas, more variety and interactive elements are needed on land.

According to Circurose, the player’s character as a ship is a disadvantage. They explain that being a ship restricts the player’s actions to mainly gathering resources and shooting opponents, lacking the ability to perform challenges or stunts like a racing game.

Therefore, Circurose suggests adding some light puzzle elements in ruins or introducing collectibles to explore on land. They even propose activities such as playing dice or cards, which would enhance the overall interactivity and immersion of the game.

A Patient Perspective:

Replying to the post, user DumplingsCosby points out that “Skull and Bones” is still in development and there is plenty of time for additional mechanics to be added. They believe that patience is needed and that the developers have room to improve the on-land gameplay.

TheRavaged also chimes in, noting that there are already some on-land elements in the game that open up as the player progresses. They express hope for more improvements in the future.

More Land, More Fun:

The feedback from players on Reddit highlights the desire for more on-land gameplay elements in “Skull and Bones.” While the game excels in its naval mechanics and ship-focused gameplay, it seems that players are craving a greater sense of interactivity and variety on land.

Adding puzzle elements, collectibles, and activities like dice or card games would not only enhance the overall gameplay experience but also provide a refreshing break from the constant sailing and naval combat. A well-rounded pirate adventure that balances both aspects could attract a wider audience and ensure players stay engaged for longer.