Skull and Bones: Stupidity at its Finest

A 25-year-old gamer debates whether to sacrifice sleep for the launch of Skull and Bones, leading to a hilarious discussion on Reddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

A 25-year-old gamer with a full-time job is faced with a tough decision – sacrificing sleep for the launch of Skull and Bones. The hilarious debate that ensues on Reddit is both relatable and entertaining as users offer their opinions and suggestions.


  • A gamer debates whether to stay up all night for the game launch and go to work on little sleep.
  • Users urge the gamer to prioritize sleep and work, emphasizing that it’s just a video game.
  • Some users reminisce about their own excitement for game releases and share tips for managing gaming and responsibilities.

Is it Worth the Sacrifice?

The Reddit post revolves around one simple question – should the gamer sacrifice sleep and go to work tired just to play Skull and Bones at launch? The majority of users agree that it’s not worth it and advise the gamer to get a good night’s sleep and prioritize responsibilities. One user, Kwayzar9111, suggests that there’s no rush and recommends sticking to a normal routine by sleeping, working, and eating as usual.

On the other hand, there are a few users like furball555 who suggest pulling a sickie and calling in sick to work for just one day. However, the general sentiment is that it’s just a video game and not worth risking one’s job or well-being for. FullOfWhisky reminds the gamer that it’s important to remember that Skull and Bones is just a video game, even though the excitement is understandable.

Gaming Excitement and Adult Responsibilities

Many users, like flem216, express their excitement for the game release but urge the gamer to ensure they get enough rest and prioritize work. They share their own experiences of being excited about video game releases while also balancing adult responsibilities. Users emphasize that while gaming is enjoyable, real-life responsibilities like work and financial stability should always take precedence.

Some users, like Nicoredje and Kaunmann, suggest getting a few hours of sleep and waking up early to spend some time playing the game before work. Others, like Environmental_Gur_20 and Aggravating_Pin_237, stress the importance of rest and simply enjoying the excitement surrounding the game without sacrificing sleep or work.


The Reddit post showcases the universal dilemma faced by many gamers – the struggle to balance gaming excitement with adult responsibilities. While the excitement for game releases is relatable and generates lively discussions, it’s clear that the general consensus in the subreddit is to prioritize rest and work over sacrificing sleep for a video game. The advice offered by users reflects a balance between enjoying gaming and managing responsibilities, ensuring that gaming remains a fun and enjoyable hobby without negatively impacting one’s personal and professional life.