Skull and Bones: Termites 3 vs Warhammer – Which is the Better Option?

Read gamer discussions on the effectiveness of Termites 3 vs Warhammer in the popular video game Skull and Bones.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the Skull and Bones community, gamers are debating the effectiveness of Termites 3 vs Warhammer in the latest post by BasicSlip792. Wanting to optimize their gameplay against structures, the user seeks advice on the preferable choice between the two weapons.


  • Skallywag06 recommends Leopoldo 3 for ships and Warhammer for structures due to range limitations.
  • SolAggressive prefers termites on fort pads for the damage to structures and provides a useful tip on targeting.
  • Father_Giliam suggests Termites for higher tier Dutch forts and Warhammer for other forts.

Skallywag06’s Insights

Skallywag06 believes that Leopoldo 3 is more suitable for ships, while Warhammer is better for structures, emphasizing their range limitations. They highlight the need to close the gap for effective Warhammer strikes.

SolAggressive’s Strategy

SolAggressive opts for termites on fort pads due to their damage to structures. They provide a tactical tip on aiming slightly past the structure for optimal impact, enhancing the gameplay experience.

Father_Giliam’s Advice

Based on the fort tier, Father_Giliam recommends Termites for higher tier Dutch forts, indicating their efficacy. For all other forts, they advocate for utilizing the Warhammer, showcasing a nuanced approach to weapon selection.

The Skull and Bones community’s discussions about weapon choices offer valuable insights into strategic gameplay decisions. Each user’s perspective contributes to a diverse range of strategies, enhancing the gaming experience for all players.