Skull and Bones: The Controversy of Rogue Spawns in Telok Port

Discover the chaos of rogue spawns in Skull and Bones as players share their unexpected encounters and frustrations.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones players are experiencing a surge in rogue spawns, leading to unexpected encounters and frustrations in Telok Port. Have a peek at this Reddit post for more insights!


  • Players report excessive rogue spawns at Telok Port
  • Community divided on the chaos it brings
  • Known bug with promises of a fix

Rogue Spawns: A Mixed Bag

“whilst attempting a delivery i ended up with nine ships railing me, insane,” described one player, highlighting the intense encounters that rogue spawns can create amidst normal gameplay.

Annoying Yet Fun

One player shared, “Was doing a bounty and three players showed up in a group together…kind of fun.” While chaotic, some find the unpredictability entertaining but acknowledge the frustration it can cause, especially for lower-level players.

Bugs to Be Squashed

“It’s a known bug which they will be fixing soon(tm),” noted a Redditor, pointing towards a potential light at the end of the tunnel for those facing constant rogue spawns. The community eagerly anticipates the upcoming fix to bring back balance to the seas.

Avoiding the Madness

Struggling with higher-level rogues, one player shared, “I keep instantly getting attack by rogues level 10s at the Saint Anne’s.” The disparity between player levels adds an extra layer of challenge, forcing some to opt for strategic fast travel to escape the relentless assaults

It’s likely because there’s a few people doing the same exact thing you’re doing at that moment,” observed another Redditor, speculating on the causes behind the surge in rogue spawns, suggesting that player activity may influence the frequency of such encounters.